Therapy Policy: We kindly ask that if you need to make a change to your scheduled appointments, please contact your clinician directly at least 24 hours before your appointment time.
You may also contact the main office number of (412) 368-2211, but your clinician will be able to offer you the opportunity reschedule. Please be aware that most of our appointments are scheduled on
a standing basis (i.e every Tuesday at 2pm). So, if you cancel for one week, you can assume you will have your appointment the following week.
If it is less than 24 hour notice, there is a $100 fee that will be placed on the credit card we have on file for you.
Testing Policy: 24 hour notice is required for testing services. Charges are as follows: testing intake $200; testing day $500; testing feedback session $200. If you cancel your testing intake, but reschedule before your testing day, you will only be charged the testing intake fee. For testing cancelations, please email
Please keep in mind:
If you show up to your appointment more than 15 minutes late, the cancelation fee will also be applied.
If you log onto a virtual session from an unsafe location (e.g. while driving or in a public space) your provider may cancel your appointment and the cancelation fee would be applied.
If you log onto a virtual session from a location outside of the state of Pennsylvania, we will also need to cancel your session (due to our professional licensing board restrictions) and the cancelation fee will be applied.