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Parent Guidance 

What is Parent Guidance?

Parent Guidance gives parents the opportunity to consult with a trained therapist about questions related to parenting or the overall health of their family. This is a flexible treatment option that allows parents to customize how many times and how frequently they would like to meet with one of our therapists. We will match parents with a clinician who has experience working with children their children's ages and who has extensive knowledge of child and adolescent development. 


Many parents choose to engage in this service when they want guidance on obtaining and constructing meaningful and effective IEP and 504 plans for their children at school. Our child and adolescent specialists can help parents identify their child's areas of greatest need and develop accommodations that the parent can take back to their child's school. It is common for parents to experience anxiety about interacting with their child's school or being prepared for an upcoming 504/IEP meeting. We help parents feel less anxious about and more prepared for these meetings. 


It is important to note, Parent Guidance are sessions for adults only. It creates a time for the adults in a family to reflect on their parenting, their children's needs, and to get ideas from our trained experts about the most effective parenting strategies. If families are interested involving their children in services, they would be best served by individual therapy for their child, or family therapy. Our individual therapy for children and teens include a component of parent guidance, as we believe children benefit most from therapy when parents are also informed, empowered, and committed to change. This option of Parent Guidance only, allows parents to seek consultation and get ideas without needing the involvement of their child. This option works well when children or teens are not in favor of participating in therapy, but parents still want support. This service can also be a complement to other services families may be receiving already, but, again, parents want more support.

Who pays for Parent Guidance?

Parent Guidance is covered by insurance benefits like any other mental health service. One parent in the family will become the identified patient and all services will be billed under their insurance ID. We are in-network for Blue Cross/ Blue Shield, Highmark, and UPMC commercial plans. No state funded insurance plans are accepted. For more information about your mental health coverage and costs, we recommend calling the number on the back of your insurance card. If you are interested in paying privately, the cost of each session will range between $140-$175 depending on the provider.

Information about private pay rates by provider name, can be found


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